Friday, November 26, 2010

Mexico Trip Part:3 Across The Border

We did a little shopping right before we headed into Mexico. That's when I saw these so I took a photo.

Ah Mexico, so peaceful.
We were painting our rooms in Mexico. There's mine,


And Taylor's

Mom got her nails done and they looked very good after they shortened them a little bit. Iliana is the woman who took her. She's super nice, and her whole family's bilingual. We took them out to dinner. We have: Iliana of course,
 Omar and Jackie,
And Achu. His real name is Jesus but Jackie couldn't say that so she called Achu and the name stuck. As you can see they're a pretty "big" family and Dad was paying so um. .  .yeah.

Luckily Alex had plenty of time to spent with 'Beto.

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