Friday, November 26, 2010

Halloween With The Poteets

Happy Halloween! I know it's not October anymore but I figured It doesn't matter as long as you guys are able to see all this. Mom was a cute little pink bunny

Dad was a rat.

Mario without Super Mushroom (Alex), Princess Peach (Taylor), Mario with Super Mushroom (Scott)

Actually, Dad went through a lot of pain to get those whiskers and ears to stay. He have to paper-clip them on his nose and ears. That's commitment.

I was the robot. I had it ready by October 1st. Just to leave a time cushion. 

Baby Gibson was an adorable little puppy.

Grayam wasn't in the group picture because he had fallen asleep. He eventually woke up so it was ok. 

We started the game stations soon afterwards. This is Alex giving Georgey some instider tips.

I ran the fishing station.

Tay ran the mini golf.

Scott ran the sword fighting station

Surprisingly we had the exact amount of prizes buyable with the tickets Georgey and Grayam earned.