Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Visit to Grandma R & Leonard's

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I finally got your blog on my blog list! So now I will know when you updated, so expect to be getting some comments! I am so happy that you are (sort of) blogging again. You know how I love a little explanation, but I am happy enough with just the pictures. At least I get an idea of what you guys are up to. Seems like a fun visit with Grandma R. and Katie. I can't believe how big Gavin is. He is so cute! And a cribbage tournament?! Where ever did you find one of those? How did you do? Your hike looked gorgeous! Where are the HooDoos? See, without the words on the blog I have so many questions! I will try to contain myself. Hope to see you guys soon!